Senate Bill 978: Public Records

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Commencing January 1, 2020, Senate Bill 978 requires the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training and each local law enforcement agency to conspicuously post on their Internet Web sites all current standards, policies, practices, operating procedures, and education and training materials that would otherwise be available to the public if a request was made pursuant to the California Public Records Act.


West Sacramento Police Department utilizes Lexipol Policies and Training best practice guidelines.  The West Sacramento Police Department Policy Manual is a living document subject to regular review, revisions, and updates based on Legislative change, case law, and identified best practices. The current online version of the Policy Manual posted here will be reviewed annually to ensure any revisions and updates from the previous year are contained in the online version.

The West Sacramento Police Department Policy Manual is currently held on the Lexipol platform. 


West Sacramento Police Department participates in the CALEA Accreditation process.  The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) is a proven management system, which presents the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) a proven management system of written directives, sound training, clearly defined lines of authority, and routine reports that support decision-making and resource allocation.

Information on department accreditation can be requested from CALEA.



West Sacramento Police Department Field Training Program Manual

The Field Training Officer Manual is a collection of materials used to provide a foundation for incoming Officers.

The State of California Department of Justice Office of the Attorney General web page publishes several best practice informational bulletins, procedure and policy manuals related to California information systems used by West Sacramento Police Department. 

These topics include but are not limited to: 

California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System Policies, Practices and Procedures (and Statutes) Manual encompassing Criminal History, Restraining Order, Automated Property, Automated Firearms, Stolen Vehicles, and Missing Persons systems, Instructions for reporting use of force incidents to the California Department of Justice and Record Sealing Handbook

 The State of California Office of Emergency Services web page publishes several best practice informational bulletins, procedure and policy manuals related to emergency management used by the West Sacramento Police Department.

These topics include by are not limited to: ICS Training Requirements and Guidance, SEMS Training Requirements and Guidance, NIMs Training Requirement and Guidance and School Emergency Planning and Safety.

The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation web page publishes several best practice informational bulletins, procedure and policy manuals related to national criminal information systems and other information used by the West Sacramento Police Department.

Topics include but are not limited to: Criminal Justice Information System, Domestic Terrorism, Interstate Identification Index, National Crime Information Center and Uniform Crime Reporting.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration publishes several best practice informational bulletins, procedure and policy manuals related to traffic safety used by the West Sacramento Police Department.

Topics include but are not limited to: Collision Investigation Manual

The U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration publishes several best practice informational bulletins, procedure and policy manuals related to narcotic safety used by the West Sacramento Police Department.

Topics include but are not limited to: Fentanyl Guide for First Responders



The West Sacramento Police Department utilizes several different agencies to provide training both on site and remotely. Specific information regarding class descriptions can be found on the web page links provided below. These agencies include but are not limited to:

Alameda Regional Training Center

American River College Sacramento Regional Public Safety Training Center

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Fresno City College State Center Regional Training Facility

Napa Valley College Criminal Justice Training Center

Police Officer Standards and Training (includes classes hosted and instructed at other public safety agencies and institutions).

Police Officer Standards and Training Online Learning Domain Topics

Sacramento Sheriff’s Department

Sacramento Police Department

South Bay Regional Public Safety Training